Application Process

You submit your application for the job that matches your interests and likings. Upon completion of your application, you will receive an email confirming the receipt of your documents.
In order for us to be able to get a full picture of you, we need the following documents:
- Letter / motivation letter
- Curriculum vitae (gapless)
- Up-to-date employer references
- Training and school certificates
Information: Please mention your next possible entry date and include your salary expectations.
Once we have taken a look at your application, it will be checked for both completeness and fit. We will then forward it to the respective specialist department, where the responsible employees will review to what extent your profile matches the previously defined requirements.
First Interview
If we want to get to know you, you will enter the next stage, which is usually the invitation to a personal job interview. Your first interview allows you to convince us of your personality, skills and know-how. Of course, you may always contact us if you have any questions.
Applicant Day
If there are several short-listed candidates, we will invite you for 1-2 days on which you are given the opportunity to win us over by demonstrating your personal and professional skills in practice.
Second Interview
This is your way to the finish line. Apart from reflecting on the previous conversations, we will now intensify our interviews in order to find out whether the specific job and our corporate culture are a good fit for you.
The following applies to all application processes: they are objective and fair.