Global Sourcing

Suppliers wanted for the development of long-term partnerships!
The reliable supply of our system partners and customers with our extensive, high-quality product range requires close cooperation with reliable, national and international suppliers. Therefore, we place particular value on close, long-term business relationships with selected, strong partners to achieve joint, sustainable growth.
It is particularly important to us to explore innovative paths in logistical supply concepts together with our partners. Fast, flexible and binding reactions to our enquiries, delivery in the right quantities and on time as well as a competitive price/performance ratio are the basis for a successful cooperation.
Furthermore, it is in our entrepreneurial self-image that a highly developed quality system as well as innovativeness in the technical, logistical and communicative areas are components of success for achieving the common goal.
Our procurement focus in the area of hydraulic connection technology is:
- Hoses
- Fittings
- Hydraulic tubes
- Hydraulic oil
- Tube fittings and adapters
- Quick release couplings
- Rotary joints
- Valves
- Ball valves
- Connecting elements such as pipe clamps etc.
- Measurement technology
- Seals
- Safety products
- Machines for processing hydraulic connection technology
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Code of Conduct Indunorm Hydraulik GmbH - EN (666.7 kB)
If you notice any irregularities or violations with regard to our "Supplier Code of Conduct", please contact us at the following email address |
Compliance at Indunorm Hydraulik GmbH
Complaint procedure in accordance with §§ 8, 9 of the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (LkSG)
At you can send us
- information about human rights or environmental risks and
- information about violations of human rights-related or environmental obligations
in the business area of our company or of one of our suppliers.
Please also state in your report how we can communicate with you to discuss the matter with you. We will contact you in a timely manner to do so.
After submitting the tip, we will contact you as soon as possible. Your complaint will be dealt with internally by the LkSG complaints team. You can also contact us again via the above-mentioned e-mail address at any time after submitting a report. All information provided to us will of course be treated confidentially.
In the following rules of procedure, you will find further information on how to process your report:
What is the subject of the complaints procedure?
This complaints procedure allows people to point out
- human rights or environmental risks
- as well as violations of human rights-related or environmental obligations that have arisen as a result of the economic activities of our company in its own business sector or of a direct or indirect supplier of ours.
What happens when a hint is made?
After submitting a report, each whistleblower receives an acknowledgement of receipt without delay, but no later than seven days after receipt of the report. Information is processed internally by the LkSG complaints team.
What procedural steps follow?
After receiving a hint, it is first validated by the responsible human rights officer, in particular with regard to relevant human rights or environmental risks or the violation of human rights-related or environmental obligations. Once the validation has been completed, the person responsible for processing the report will discuss the facts with you as the whistleblower. Please provide us with your contact details, in particular an e-mail address, so that we can contact you. In the case of longer processing times, you as the whistleblower will be informed by us about the current status of the processing no later than three months after submitting the report.
Who processes these reports?
The persons entrusted by us with the processing of the reports are independent, impartial and not bound by instructions. In particular, they are bound to secrecy.
Confidentiality and data protection
All information and documents made available to us will of course be treated in strict confidence and in compliance with the relevant data protection regulations.
The confidentiality of your identity will be maintained as well as effective protection against any disadvantage or punishment.